Summer holidays are here and you have decided to go camping, but your old tent has holes and has seen better days. North Face Tents
They come in all sizes and for all types of camping. These North Face Tents are designed for the roughest weather and ease of setup.
The two meter dome tent below is a great example of the North Face engineering and is the flagship in quality. If you plan to visit a harsh environment seriously consider this tent.

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A smaller North Face Tent suitable for two people is the two person Frog Tent. Lightweight and easy to set up.

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You may also be interested in the Manta Ray 3 person tent. Remember that in general 3 person tent means two people with gear.

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Another option is the North Face Foundation 6 person Tent. It has the space required for family camping and still maintains the great features that all North Face Tents Have.

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For other great North Face Tents just click on North Face Tents at!
Take Care in the Bush.